8 October 2020

110 tips for positive mental health

110 tips for positive mental health

To celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October, Mental Health Europe is delighted to share 110 tips for positive mental health during the pandemic.

What have you been doing to look after your mental health in these challenging times? This year MHE launched the first European Mental Health Week (4-10 May) and asked people how they are coping with difficulties during the coronavirus crisis. Below you can find a collection of their best responses. Today, get inspired by the tips and celebrate World Mental Health Day!

110 tips on how to look after your mental health

Tips include:

  1. Spending time with friends 
  2. Journaling 
  3. Picking up old hobbies you had no time for otherwise 
  4. Doing sports 
  5. Sunny days 
  6. Meditating 
  7. Pets 
  8. Self-care 
  9. Listening to music 
  10. A daily routine 
  11. Visiting parks 
  12. A hug at the end of a hard day 
  13. Reading 
  14. Watching TV series 
  15. Cycling 
  16. Spending time with family 
  17. Catching up on sleep 
  18. Fruit and vegetable smoothies 
  19. Playing an instrument 
  20. Eating sweet things 
  21. Taking a walk in nature 
  22. Going back to school 
  23. Enjoying a ray of sunshine on your face 
  24. Slowing down of daily life 
  25. Cooking for loved ones 
  26. Motivational songs 
  27. Making your children laugh 
  28. Planting seedlings and taking care of them 
  29. Dancing 
  30. Zoom meetings with friends while enjoying a glass of wine 
  31. Mindfulness: staying present 
  32. Feeling inspired by your role models 
  33. Doing puzzles 
  34. Painting 
  35. Morning jogs 
  36. PlayStation games 
  37. Grandma’s food 
  38. Taking photographs of sunsets 
  39. Listening to podcasts 
  40. Drinking coffee 
  41. Helping people in need 
  42. Laughing a lot 
  43. Writing a letter 
  44. Eating pizza 
  45. Focusing on things you can control 
  46. Learning a new language 
  47. Prayer groups 
  48. Not having to rush to work in the morning 
  49. Connecting with people you care about 
  50. Dwelling on good childhood memories 
  51. Watching a comedian on Netflix for a good laugh 
  52. Talking to your therapist 
  53. Playing games 
  54. Reaching out to friends to check in on them 
  55. Gratitude 
  56. Evening walks 
  57. Hot and cold baths 
  58. Staying fit 
  59. Acknowledging your feelings 
  60. Working 
  61. Looking at old photographs 
  62. Rediscovering your favourite bands 
  63. Breathing exercises 
  64. Volunteering 
  65. Hugging your spouse 
  66. Playing chess games 
  67. Blossoming chestnuts and acacias 
  68. Walking around your neighbourhood 
  69. Discovering and rediscovering many good wines 
  70. Talking to friends about your worries 
  71. Nostalgic binge watching of “Sex and the City” 
  72. Pilates exercises 
  73. Inline skating 
  74. Plum dumplings 
  75. Enjoying every sign of nature 
  76. Treating yourself to an afternoon shower 
  77. Airing out your rooms 
  78. Watching movies, videos & interviews of your idols 
  79. Teleshopping 
  80. Chirping of birds 
  81. Rediscovering the balcony and how a small space can become large 
  82. Team work 
  83. Playing Gwent – The Witcher Card Game 
  84. Looking at the sky and dreaming with your eyes open 
  85. Sharing your worries of becoming a mother with others 
  86. Rediscovering old poets 
  87. Sleeping 8 hours a night 
  88. Zoom calling with the team to tick off tasks 
  89. Being empathetic and understanding 
  90. Taking cooking masterclasses  
  91. Writing down your feelings 
  92. Watching Netflix 
  93. Getting into exercising 
  94. Reading old classics 
  95. Watching uplifting movies 
  96. Talking to family and friends 
  97. Keeping order in your apartment / house 
  98. Being close to family 
  99. Sharing your deepest concerns with loved ones 
  100. Resting your eyes from all the screen time 
  101. Looking around and noticing wonderful things 
  102. Zero TV consumption  
  103. Having a daily agenda of things you enjoy 
  104. Watching your favourite actors in movies 
  105. Listening more carefully to your body 
  106. Reading a new book 
  107. Exchanging tips on wellbeing with colleagues 
  108. Diary writing 
  109. Making bread 
  110. Eating healthily 

Mental Health Europe would like to thank our Romanian member Estuar for their support with collecting these tips during the first European Mental Health Week. Do you have a tip to add? Let us know via info@mentalhealtheurope.org or by reaching out to us on social media. We are on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

See your tips on social media


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It’s European Mental Health Awareness Week! Journaling in any form (in writing or through art) can be very helpful to process feelings, fears, doubts, etc. This is an interactive page that I created in my journal to reassure myself that there is a way out of this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
The inspiration for this spread came from two elements: a card from the (very cool) escape room game #exitthegame with the ominous words ‘Under the dust you’ll find a message’ and a piece of wrapping paper with newspaper print on which I spotted the words ‘JOIN FORCES’. Et voilà, this is the result! There is always a way out … We will find the exit if we join forces. ———————– 🇧🇪 Het is European Mental Health Awareness Week! Een dagboek of art journal bijhouden, waarin je je gevoelens, angsten of twijfels kwijt kunt, kan wonderen doen voor je mentale gezondheid. Ik creëerde deze interactieve pagina in mijn journal om mezelf moed in te spreken dat er een uitweg is uit deze wereldwijde coronacrisis.
De inspiratie voor deze twee pagina’s haalde ik uit twee elementen: enerzijds een kaart van het coole escaperoomspel #exitthegame met de onheilspellende tekst ‘Onder het stof ontwaar je een boodschap’ en anderzijds een stukje inpakpapier (dat eruitziet als krantenpapier) waarop ik de woorden ‘JOIN FORCES’ zag staan. Et voilà, dit is het resultaat! There is always a way out … We will find the exit if we join forces. . . . . .
#EuropeanMentalHealthWeek #TogetherWeCan #collectyojunk #jjthrowback2020 #junkjournal #junkjournals #junkjournaling #upcycling #truejunkjournal #journaling #journalpages #artjournal #artjournalpages #mixedmedia #craftingkeepsmesane #journalcommunity

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Find out more

COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health

See MHE's information hub which collects advice and resources on how communities can provide efficient mental health support through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.


European Mental Health Week

Mental Health Europe launches the first European mental health awareness week ‘Together we can make it’ to highlight the importance of mental health during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond.


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