Call for expert: Report and promising practices on right to vote and be elected for persons with psychosocial disabilities

Mental Health Europe is seeking an expert to support the development of a report with good practices on voting rights for persons with psychosocial disabilities, as outlined in Article 29 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Candidates are invited to respond to this call by the 5th of November 2023 by sending their proposal to Francesca Centola at
Candidates can get in contact before submission for questions and clarifications. Proposals will be assessed on a rolling basis and therefore the consultancy may be assigned before the deadline should a proposal meet the technical and financial requirements.
The selection of the expert will be completed by the 8th of November and the selected candidate should be ready to start the assignment no later than the 13th of November and complete it by end of December 2023.
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