The Each of Us Campaign now available in Hungarian

Mental Health Europe’s anti-stigma and discrimination campaign ‘Each of Us’ is now available in Hungarian. We would like to thank the Trauma Centre Nonprofit Ltd for translating the campaign materials in Hungarian.
Download information about campaign in Hungarian HERE. Download 10 myths that you can help us debunk in Hungarian HERE.
The campaign’s main objective is to raise awareness about mental health. Each of Us aims to initiate discussions to combat stigma associated with mental health at European level. The campaign seeks to show that mental health problems are more common than we think. Each of us can be part of the solution in changing minds and ending stigma against people living with mental ill health. Through publications of myth busters, personal testimonies, work with the media and trainings, the Each of Us campaign aims to end mental health stigma and combat misconceptions about mental ill health.
We are delighted to have the campaign materials translated in 14 European languages up-to-date: English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Czech, Portuguese, Swedish, Maltese and Hungarian.
You can help us make a difference and spread the word about positive mental health, the need to tackle mental health stigma and combat misconceptions.
- Download our campaign kit here:
- Visit the campaign’s website:
- If you would like to support us and translate in your own language, please get in touch via
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