Empowering Minds Podcast: Environment and mental health | Episode 6

Environment and mental health

MHE Policy Officer Jonas Bull and his guests talk about the complex intersections between climate and the environmental issues, mental health and overall well-being.

    • Carys Richards is a climate activist, finishing her Master’s degree in Environment, Politics and Society at UCL and soon to be leading the Interlinked Campaign for Generation Climate Europe.
    • Hannah Harrison is the coordinator of the SDG Working Group at Generation Climate Europea and a second-year geography undergraduate at the University of Cambridge.
    • Cassandra Murphy is an Environmental Psychology Ph.D. researcher at Maynooth University working on the Horizon2020 project – GoGreenRoutes

You can find a full transcript of the episode here.

About Empowering Minds Podcast 

Empowering Minds is a podcast by Mental Health Europe featuring conversations with mental health experts, psychologists and psychiatrists, practitioners and people with lived experience. Mental health is approached from an intersectional perspective, addressing the stigma around this topic and empowering the listeners on their mental health journey.

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