26 January 2018

Member Spotlight January 2018

Voksne for Barn (Adults for Children) in a few lines?

Voksne for Barn (VfB) is a nonprofit nationwide membership organisation which since 1960 has been promoting children and adolescents mental health in Norway.  VfB has about 2500 members.

The organisation is voicing children’s interests by putting children and their interests on the agenda.

What are your priorities?

Our main priorities is to promote positive mental health and well-being and prevent mental illness for children, youth and families. Our target groups are children, parents/caregivers and professionals.

What are your main activities?

We are promoting mental health in schools, participation by children and youth, user involvement and parenting support, children of parents with mental ill health and/or parents with substance abuse.

VfB also has a network of spokespersons, with different experiences and knowledge. Some have been using the public mental health services, others are or have been parents to children living with mental ill health, while others  are professionals working with children.

What they all have in common is that it is important for them that children in Norway grow up under good conditions and that they will get appropriate help if needed.

Where can we hear from you?

  • Our website


  • Social media



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