8 September 2020

Member Spotlight September 2020

Foundation Together Albania in a few lines?


Foundation Together Albania (FTA), a non-governmental organisation, was established in 2015 and is based in Tirana, Albania. Its mission is to improve the psychosocial well-being and mental health of people in Albania, especially of youth and marginalized groups, in order to enable them to live a better life and become active members of society.

What are your main activities?


FTA is a well-established organisation with a proven track record of activities. Our online counselling platform www.nukjevetem.al has had over 3 million visits and it has provided counselling to more than 10.000 individuals.  More recently, our online counselling service  has proved essential to provide support to the population of Albania in coping with mental health problems during the lock-down amid Covid-19 pandemic. The core of FTA is our team of 40 highly qualified professionals who provide a wide range of psycho-social and mental health services, especially to young children, adolescents and their parents.


FTA’s main activities are focused on:

  • provision of online counselling, free and completely confidential, via its specialised online platform (www.nukjevetem.al) to young children, adolescents and parents;
  • provision of psycho-social education opportunities and promotion of mental health among youth and adolescents;
  • provision of training and qualification to local and young psycho-social and mental health specialists throughout the country;
  • design and implementation of social studies and scientific researches as means to better understand the issues that directly affect the psycho-social well-being and mental health of children, adolescents and other vulnerable people in Albania;
  • carrying out local and national awareness raising campaigns about menta health and various other sensitive issues faced by youth and marginalised groups of the society;
  • advocating and supporting development of more effective policies and reforms that guarantee people’s access to holistic health care, including human safety and human rights.

What are your main priorities?


  • Increasing outreach and impact: continue to provide free professional and confidential 24/7 access to online counselling web platform (nukjevetem.al) for an increasing number of people in need and to a wider range of vulnerable groups of the society;
  • Improving quality of services: Our direct services are provided by a group of more than 40 highly qualified professionals. In addition, aiming to further improve the quality of service in Albania, we provide training and qualification opportunities for various psycho-social and mental health specialists throughout the country;
  • Strengthening cooperation and partnerships: In implementation of our activities, we cooperate and partner with an increasing number of local, national and international actors in search of peer learning and continuous quality improvement, joint efforts towards increased efficiency and sustainability of services as well as increased outreach and impact.

Where can we find out more?


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