Towards a more social, inclusive and fair year 2016

Towards a more social, inclusive and fair year 2016
Brussels 20th January 2016- Although 2016 has only just started, it is already proving to be a busy year for mental health advocacy. This year, Mental Health Europe will continue to ensure that mental health policy remains high on the European political agenda by promoting the mainstreaming of mental health in all policies. While many of us have already gotten started on our own new year resolutions, here is what MHE hopes that 2016 will bring to people with mental health problems as well as mental health advocates:
May the New Year…
- Start with an ambitious conclusion and follow-up to the Joint Action for Mental Health and Well-being (JA).
MHE hopes that the forthcoming Framework for Action will be successfully implemented in the five specific areas of the JA (mental health in all policies, mental health in schools, mental health at the workplace, prevention of depression and suicide, towards community mental health care).
- Bring some concrete proposals from the European Commission on how to implement recommendations to the EU from the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), particularly on art.8, art.12 , art.13, art.14, art.17, art.19 and art.27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. MHE hopes that the European Commission will take on its leadership role and ensure consistent implementation including in areas where the EU has limited competences, and that more will be done at Council and Parliament level. We hope that the forthcoming parliamentary report on the implementation of the UNCRPD will address our concerns and highlight the role of the European Parliament in implementing the UNCRPD.
- Deliver on the review of the disability strategy, as recommended in the Concluding Observations of the CRPD Review, ensuring that going forward the disability strategy is more comprehensive and fully reflects all the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in Europe.
- Ensure that the Accessibility Act recognises and addresses the accessibility barriers faced by less visible disabilities including psychosocial disabilities.
- Continue to see the further progression of deinstitutionalisation (DI) across Europe, and that the European Commission further pursues its work in promoting DI practices. MHE will continue to monitor the use of EU Structural Funds to ensure that they are not used to support institutional care.
- Bring new momentum to our MEP Coalition for Mental Health and Well-Being which seeks to ensure mental health is high on the EU political agenda. MHE hopes to welcome new members to this informal coalition in the European Parliament, and looks forward to collaborating with Members on issues such as mental health policy, social inclusion, the implementation of the UNCRPD, deinstitutionalisation as well as the involvement of people with mental health problems in policy discussions and processes.
- Bring greater consideration of disability issues and issues faced by those with mental health problems in discussions on the newly proposed long-term unemployment recommendation. This recommendation will provide a key opportunity to address unemployment of persons with psychosocial disabilities. MHE calls for an increase in not just any type of employment but quality employment.
- Lead to more engagement between MHE and the World Health Organisation regarding the ongoing ICD-10 revision as well as discussions on the use of DSM-V. MHE will continue to call for greater transparency and more engagement of people with mental health problems in such processes.
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