19 September 2022

Short Guide Series

Below you can find a series of short guides for people experiencing mental health difficulties.  A Short Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis’ was produced for people who receive a mental health diagnosis. The ‘Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’ aims to describe ways of thinking about, managing and overcoming mental ill-health. The latest ‘Short Guide to Psychiatric Drugs was created for people taking medication. It explores the different types of psychiatric drugs, their effects and what to keep in mind when you start or stop taking them.


If you would like to support us with translating any of these guides in your own language, please get in touch via info@mentalhealtheurope.org.

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[nd_options_services nd_options_layout=”layout-2″ nd_options_button_bg=”#015781″ nd_options_button_text_color=”#ffffff” nd_options_button_border_color=”” nd_options_title=”Empowering Minds Podcast ” nd_options_description=”Episode 4 of our podcast series – Empowering Minds – attempts to answer the question: what is normal? And, more specifically, what is normal in the mental health experience?” nd_options_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mentalhealtheurope.org%2Fmental-health-podcast-empowering-minds-4%2F|title:FIND%20OUT%20MORE|target:%20_blank|”]

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