The European Parliament gears up to work on Mental Health in 2025

The European Parliament gears up to work on Mental Health in 2025
As 2024 draws to a close, the European Parliament presents encouraging news: two new working structures will put health and mental health at the forefront of the EU agenda. Mental Health Europe welcomes these positive developments, which demonstrate the European Parliament’s commitment to the importance of the role of EU action in the field of health.
Creation of a permanent Public Health Committee (SANT)
Mental Health Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s decision to establish a standing committee on public health. To quote Chair Adam Jarubas, “we must now live up to the high expectations of our citizens”. According to the 2023 Eurobarometer, an overwhelming 89% of Europeans believe that mental health deserves the same attention as physical health—a powerful reminder of the urgent need for action. Yet, 54% of respondents with a mental health problem have not received help from a professional. Expectations are indeed high for increased EU attention to mental health. The establishment of SANT as a standing Committee marks a crucial step, solidifying the European Parliament’s long-term commitment to addressing public health, including mental health, at the highest level.
The SANT Committee, whose mandate will lead the way EP work on public health, will not be alone in this effort, as it was also announced in December that a Mental Health Intergroup will be among the Intergroups created or renewed for this mandate.
Intergroup on Mental Health
Mental Health Europe has supported the campaign of MEPs Maria Walsh (EPP), Tilly Metz (Greens/EFA), Alex Saliba (S&D) and Jana Toom (Renew) for the creation of a Mental Health Intergroup from the very beginning. We warmly welcome the outcome of the negotiations and the creation of this cross-party and cross-committee instrument, which will be crucial to ensure a mental health in all policies approach. While public health is an important part of the EU response to mental health needs, the determinants of mental health are very diverse, and the Intergroup will help to ensure that they are addressed holistically in the European Parliament’s approach.
What are the next steps for mental health in the European Parliament?
The Communication on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health has embedded parity of esteem in the EU approach, but it is high time for the EU to follow up the 2023 Communication on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health and present a European Strategy on Mental Health with clear objectives, timelines and funding, as requested by 60 Civil Society Organisation for the 2024 World Mental Health Day.
Mental Health Europe’s Director Claudia Marinetti states:
“A specific strategy on mental health should consider the complexity of factors that can positively or negatively influence mental health, as explained by the psychosocial model of mental health. It is very important to keep moving away from a limiting understanding of mental health as mainly pertaining to the brain towards a comprehensive vision of mental health as embedded in all aspects of a person’s life.”
The European Parliament has called for this approach in its resolution on mental health of December 2023. Distinct but interlinked actions would be needed to ensure that this can be thoroughly addressed and can deliver results. The SANT Committee and the Intergroup on Mental Health will be key allies in this process, and Mental Health Europe stands ready to work with the European Parliament to make this strategy a legacy of this mandate.
Mental Health Europe stands ready to work alongside the SANT Committee and the Mental Health Intergroup to push and co-shape a dedicated European Strategy on Mental Health. By working together, we can ensure that mental health remains a cornerstone of EU policy to build a healthier, more resilient, and united Europe for all.
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