1 May 2019

European Elections 2019

The countdown to the European elections has begun: between 23 and 26 May 2019, European citizens from 27 different countries will get to the polls to elect their representatives in the European Parliament for the next 5 years.


The European Elections 2019 will be the ideal occasion to recall policy makers and stakeholders that mental health matters and needs to be an integral part of European policy making.


MHE has published a Manifesto for Better Mental Health in Europe, which lays out recommendations to improve mental health for a wide range of stakeholders including: MEPs and MEP candidates; policy makers in the European Commission, European Council and Member States; and civil society actors like mental health services, users and users organisations, medical associations, research institutions, employers and the general public.


With this manifesto, our hope is that we can build a platform that unites stakeholders under a common set of priorities to improve mental health outcomes for all Europeans. It sets out key actions and specific policy areas where mental health could be included, leveraging existing policy tools and initiatives.


To support its membership as well as partners and stakeholders in getting involved in the European Elections , MHE has also recently organised a webinar to discuss the elections and the best ways to get involved.  

Useful resources for the European Elections

Want to know more about the European Elections? Really want to get involved this time?


We have gathered below a few useful links, websites and platform that you may want to use when looking into the elections process. This is work in progress so please feel free to share with us some more content.

A well-known website which maps the most ‘influential’ MEPs

An initiative to encourage EU citizens to vote and gathering events in different countries.

A citizen initiative which gathers European NGOs’ demands and looks at what the European Parliament has been up to during its previous mandate.

A website which explains how to vote in each EU Member States

A citizen initiative which helps you compare your views with MEPs and candidates

A comprehensive website which provides information about hot elections issues, polling data, candidates’ priorities etc.  

A politico tool to find your political profile and find your “political match”.

A smartphone app to inform people about the achievements of the EU

How does Europe affect our everyday lives? A European Parliament website to explain the added value of the EU, and what exactly the EU does in practice for all citizens.

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