27 September 2021

MHE becomes an accredited regional non-State actor with WHO Regional Committee for Europe

Mental Health Europe (MHE) is delighted to continue its collaboration with the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe. You can find an overview of recent developments below.

MHE took part in 71st WHO Regional Committee for Europe


This year MHE participated in the 71st World Health Organisation Regional Committee for Europe (RC71). The WHO Regional Committee for Europe is WHO’s decision-making body in the European Region. It comprises representatives of each Member State in the Region and meets for 4 days in September each year. As part of the RC71 on 14 September 2021, MHE’s director, Claudia Marinetti, participated in a panel discussion focused on the Pan-European Mental Health Coalition and the implementation of the WHO European Framework for Action on Mental Health. As part of this session, Mental Health Europe, together with EuroHealthNet, The World Federation of Occupational Therapists and Alzheimer Europe, prepared a joint statement which was read out by MHE’s director, during the session on mental health. The statement highlighted the importance of prioritising mental health by investing in services and placing mental health at the heart of the post-COVID-19 recovery agenda.


MHE becomes an accredited regional non-State actor


During the RC71, MHE was also granted accreditation status as a regional non-State actor. Accreditation provides actors with the opportunity to participate, without the right to vote, in meetings of the Regional Committee and the possibility to submit written and/or oral statements through WHO Europe. This opportunity also enables MHE to further engage in and strengthen the important work being undertaken in the WHO European Region.


The upcoming launch of the WHO Europe Pan-European Mental Health Coalition


On the 30th of September, MHE will participate in the launch of the new Pan-European Mental Health Coalition, dedicated to improving mental health across the WHO European Region in line with the priorities established by the European Programme of Work 2020–2025. MHE’s Director will be participating in this launch. Mental health problems are considered the leading cause of disability in most countries in the European Region, which has worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries are shifting towards the recovery phase of the pandemic, MHE is proud to work closely with WHO and WHO Europe. MHE stands ready to support the implementation of the WHO European Framework for Action on Mental Health 2021–2025, through the Pan-European Mental Health Coalition, alongside continued collaboration with WHO Europe and its partners, to contribute to healthier and fairer societies.

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